academic research
Dr. Michael Marlowe på Appalachian State University i Boone, North Carolina, USA har bedrivit långtgående forskning på effekterna av att använda Toreys böcker i utbildningen av lärare och hur böckerna kan påverka attityder gentemot individer med särskilda behov på lång sikt.
Under 1970-talet bedrev Torey akademisk forskning kring selektiv mutism, som vid den tiden var ett föga känt fenomen. Det mesta av arbetet utförde hon anslutning till arbetet vid Department of Maternal and Child Health och Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry vid University of Minnesota i Minneapolis, Minnesota,USA. Hon presenterade sin forskning 1978 vid den nationella konferensen som anordnades av American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Den andra avhandlingen är outgiven och en del av Toreys doktorsavhandling.
Nedan följer en komplett bibliografi över både dr. Marlowes och Toreys studier med länkar till avhandlingarna i formaten Microsoft Word och Adobe Acrobat (PDF).
1) Marlowe, M., & Disney, G. (in press). Torey Hayden’s Teacher Lore: A Pedagogy of Caring.
Journal of Education for Teaching edited by Peter Gilroy. University of Manchester.
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2) Marlowe, M., Disney, G., & Wilson, K. (2004). Classroom management of children with
emotional and behavioral disorders: A storied model: Torey Hayden’s One Child. Emotional and Behavioural
Difficulties, 9, 99-114.
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3) Marlowe, M., Disney, G., & Maycock, G.A. (2003). Teachers’ perceptions of the long-term
influence of Torey Hayden’s teacher lore on their attitudes and practices toward children with disabilities.
Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional
Children, Gulfport, Mississippi, November 17-19.
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4) Marlowe, M., & Maycock, G.A. (2001). Using literary texts in teacher education to
promote positive attitudes toward children with disabilities. Teacher Education and Special Education,
24, 75-83.
5) Marlowe, M., & Maycock, G.A. (2000). Phenomenology of bibliotherapy in modifying teacher
punitiveness. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 161, 325-336.
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6) Marlowe, M. (1999). Reaching reluctant students: Insights from Torey Hayden. Reclaiming
Children and Youth: Journal of Emotional and Behavioural Problems, 7, 242-245, 254.
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7) Marlowe, M., Maycock, G., Palmer, L., & Morrison, W. (1997). Utilizing literary texts
in teacher education to promote positive attitudes toward children with emotional and behavioral disorders.
Behavioral Disorders, 22, 152-159.
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8) Hayden, T. (1980) Classifications of Elective Mutism.
The Journal of The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, vol 19, 118-133
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[Research in this academic paper identifies children who appear in Torey’s books. This conflicts with the legal consents these children and their families have given for the books to be written. Therefore, we can not longer provide an active link to this research on this site. ]
9) Hayden, T. (1980) Interventions in Elective Mutism, unpublished
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